And what better to spend it on than Olympics paraphernalia? I ask you, what better? Rent, you say? Well, you're right. But still, I can look, right?
[I went to go look up Olympics related items on eBay. I returned to this blog post 30 minutes later with only this to show for it.]
Oh man, never ever search "izzy atlanta" on ebay. I say this for a few reasons.
- There lies only madness.
- They can barely give this stuff away.
- You could buy an Izzy pin, an Izzy plush, AND an Izzy holographic equestrian postcard with a five dollar bill and get change back. (Okay, so purchasing things online requires a credit card, and that's not counting shipping. But still.)
- I can't LOOK AWAY.
- I do not need any items with Izzy on them, let alone three at once.
- I will never get those 30 minutes back.

Only $1.25? For four pins? No way!
Other things I could purchase:
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